Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding

 Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding
Studio: DeviantOtter
If you can't tell already I have a major weakness for guys covered in ink. My buddy Ray had mentioned his friend Cam was looking to get into the adult industry and was interested in shooting a fuck video with me. He was only passing through town and his flight home was in a couple hours. I had people crashing at my place, but thankfully my boss is awesome and let me fuck at his place. I have no doubt this kid will go far; he's charming, free spirited, and one hell of a bottom.
Format: mp4

Duration: 29:58

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1400kbps

Audio: 93kbps
 Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding  Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding
 Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding  Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding
 Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding
File size: 329.2 MB
 Deviant Otter - Tatted Otter Pounding

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