One Erection - vol.2

 One Erection - vol.2
Release Year: 2014

Studio: Staxus, SauVage

Cast: Tim Law, Kevin Ateah, Connor Levi, Kris Wallace, Benjamin Dunn, Boris Orla, Milo Milis, Dexter, Ariel Varga

Genres: Twink 18+ ,Bareback,Fucking Anal, Sucking Dicks, Rimjob,Cumshot,Orgy
Having climaxed at the top of the charts, the big question for these boys is how to stay there. Fortunately for this group of handsome beauties its not so much being pitch perfect that matters as being horned up and ready to suck cock and fuck ass whenever and wherever the urge demands. Kris Wallace, Connor Levi and Brad Fitt lead the charge for the number one spot as another sticky, spunky escapade enfolds for this worldwide phenomena. Be ready to shout, be ready to scream â€" but most of all, be ready to enjoy the hottest wanks of your life!
Format: mp4

Duration: 1:38:42

Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 2134kbps

Audio: 218kbps
 One Erection - vol.2  One Erection - vol.2
 One Erection - vol.2  One Erection - vol.2
 One Erection - vol.2
File size: 1.7 GB
 One Erection - vol.2

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